While Civ VI features loads of changes and upgrades from the previous entries, there are still some issues that need to be worked out and a handful of elements from previous games that didn’t make it into this one. Below we cover the mods currently available to help fix those oversights and round your Civilization VI experience.

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Earth Map

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If you scroll through the list of available Civ VI maps, you’ll notice one is missing: Earth! The closest thing available in the base map selection (before any DLC arrives anway) is the Continents map, but it’s not actually the tried and true Earth map fans have come to expect.

Thankfully less than a week from launch, an intrepid modder has already taken care of that for us – but be warned it’s a bit buggy at this stage. The ludicrously gigantic map has room for up to 50 civs, but seems to break after around 30 (not to mention all the time spent waiting for 30 civs to take their turns after yours).

This modded map pack itself will sadly break your computer if you’re running a lower end potato, as the creator explains:

If you think your rig can handle it, download now and get on conquering all of Earth’s civilizations via science, culture, or domination!

I’m not releasing this mod blindly, the Ludicrous size has been tested on a 500 turns game in autoplay with 32 civs without crash on my computer (CPU : i7 4770K, RAM: 16GB, GPU : GTX 980 ti), but I have no idea of the minimal configuration for this.

Ready to dominate America and beyond?

Fan Improvements Patch

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A host of changes and tweaks are made with this mod across absolutely everything Civilization VI has to offer: military, tech, civics, wonders, housing, governments, districts, and policies all get an overhaul.

The basic idea here is to make most things accrue faster for you in the early game and then slow down in the mid to late game for a more balanced experience, while offering drastically different choices on government policies.

If you find yourself never actually changing the policies or don’t care for the speed of the game or how quickly you work through the various trees, try giving this update a shot.

Daughter Of Seth

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Want to try out all the civs different unique units / abilities at once, or are you consistently getting annihilated in the early game? This mod gives essentially everything from each civ all to Egypt at the start of the game - yep, it’s basically a cheat mod for single player!

 Turn Cleopatra into a real goddess!

Coming Soon!

Undoubtedly there are going to be a ton more mods to arrive in the coming weeks and months, adding in everything we’ve come to expect from the excellent Civilization modding community: more modern units, new map types, and even total conversions adding in new civs from other game series.

Currently these are the only reliable ones actually available at launch. Let us know if you try these out and be sure to recommend us more Civ VI mods in the comments when you find them!