Cavachon puppies are a mixed breed of the Bichon Frise and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and they can cost anything between $400 to $2,200. The cost can vary depending on the age, location, breeder, and even the quality. 

If you are buying directly from a breeder, you can expect the price to be between $400 to $900. You can always choose adoption. Nonetheless, you have to keep in mind that only buying the dog won’t do, it will cost money afterward, as well. 

Other Expenses On Cavachon Puppies Or Dogs 

Branded pet shops might charge you more than the average cost for buying a Cavachon puppy. The cost might be between $1,600 and $3,200.  

The price you pay during buying the puppy also includes the following:

A health warrantyHealth registration documents from a verified veterinarianAll the required vaccinationsA Crate

If the puppy is being delivered from some other location, it might cost up to $300 for air transport. This is the minimum cost and can increase depending on the distance and the airline company.  

Your pet will require dog food, treats, toys, and other necessary equipment. Other than that, you might have to visit the veterinarian regularly. This will cost you between $75 and $100 every month.  

The Cavachon dogs have a thick coat, and hence, they need regular grooming and trimming. So you will have to take them for that every month. This will cost an average of between $40 to $100.  

You might also want to train your dogs, although they are easy to train at home. Nonetheless, if you wish to send them to obedience classes, the minimum cost for that would be $80 per month.  

About The Cavachon Dog


Cavachon dogs are mixed breeds and hence, one cannot be sure about what they will grow up to be like. Some grow up to look similar to Bichon Frise, while others resemble Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. 

Cavachon dogs are lap dogs, so you can be sure that they are small in size. Their height will be around 13 inches or even less, while they will weigh somewhere around 15 to 20 pounds. 


Not only in their appearance, but Cavachon dogs are quite friendly in terms of their temperament, as well. They are playful and fun to be with. They are social dogs, hence they cannot live in isolation. They need to be taken out several times a day. They are full of energy and play a lot inside the house, too. Since they are small in size, they do not need much space to play. 

Things To Consider Before Getting A Cavachon Dog

The idea of getting a dog sounds fun. But even with a small pet comes great responsibility. Your pet is like your child. The child will grow up, but the pet will always remain a baby. You have to be careful while handling them. Many things should be considered before getting a pet. But for every animal and every breed, there are certain things you should know before getting one. For a Cavachon dog you must know that:

Cavachon dogs are social animals. They cannot live in isolation. If you do not spend much time at home, you should not opt for this breed or get two of them to keep each other company.  

Getting a dog can cost money. Your monthly expenses will grow, hence you should be financially ready to spend that much.  

The Cavachon dogs have a life span of 10 to 15 years. This will be a long-term commitment. You must be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for this.  

Cavachon dogs are friendly and playful. If you are looking for a guard dog, it is advisable to not get this dog.  


Cavachon dogs are mixed breeds and just like their parent breeds they are adorable, playful, and friendly dogs. They are small and because of their friendly nature, they are not fit for guard dogs. They can cost between $400 to $2,200 depending on the quality, age or location. There are other expenses related to the dogs. You must be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to get a dog. It will be expensive, but worth it. 

Q.1) Are Cavachon dogs good?

Ans. Cavachon dogs are friendly dogs. They are good with children of all age groups. They are good with families. 

Q.2) Do Cavachon dogs shed?

Ans. Cavachon dogs shed lightly, but their hair is thick, and it is advisable to get them groomed regularly. 

Q.3) Are Cavachon dogs easy to potty train?

Ans. You will require a lot of patience to potty train Cavachon dogs. 

Q.4) Can Cavachon dogs become aggressive?

Ans. Cavachon dogs are social beings, but if they are left alone, they might become aggressive.